Sunday, October 31, 2010

June 23, 2010

Today started just like yesterday.
Libby took me out in the backyard.
Put food and water in my bowl.
I'm so hungry today.
It's nice to have food and water everyday.
Mom and Bogey are up too.
Mom takes him out in the yard.
I'm going back in Libby room.
It's my favorite place.
Mom goes to work.
Bogey comes in and lays down next to me.
He goes to sleep.
I hope I can stay in here all day.
Libby is talking nice to us.
She says that I'm her dog now.
But, I heard Mom tell her that they'll only foster me until I get better.
Someone named Dad wants to take me.
Dad is coming to see me tonight.
Libby doesn't want me to go anywhere.
She pets me, puts treats in our crates, we both get in.
She goes to work.
Bogey and I sleep all day.
Mom's home, I hear the garage door and her car.
She always lets Bogey out first.
I think she likes him better than me.
She doesn't want to keep me.
She is kind to me, she takes us out, and feeds me.
I lick her leg; she smiles at me. She pets me and gives me and Bogey a bacon treat.
She's asking Bogey to sit and gives him a treat as soon as he sits.
She asks me to sit. I know sit. I sit right away and get another treat too.
Maybe she'll let me stay if I show her I can sit.
Libby is coming home.
Bogey and I run to the door where she's going to come in.
She is excited to see us, we're excited to see her.
Mom tells her I know how to sit.
She tells me I'm a good dog.
I'm nervous, I start pacing back and forth.
Now that Libby's home, I can go in our bedroom.
But, they won't let me in.
I have to stay with them and Bogey.
He is still excited and happy to be out of the crate.
He won't leave me alone.
Libby puts the leashes on us.
She said we're going for a walk.
Bogey is pulling to go outside.
I guess I will too.
I still don't like being outside for long.
But. Libby keeps talking to us as we walk around.
I walk pretty good on a leash; Bogey doesn't calm down for a long time.
Libby said we good dogs.
If I do everything she asks, maybe they'll keep me.
I hope so.
We're back home now.
I'm glad.
Libby's door is open.
I jump up on the bed.
They let me stay in here.
Libby comes to sit with me.
We watch TV together; she pets me all over.
Mom comes in and calls me Olive Oyl.
She said I'm too skinny.
She said  can stay until I am not skinny.
The doorbell rings.
The man named Dad is here.
He scares me but I like the lady he's with.
I like her but I'm not sure about him.
I smell dogs on them.
Bogey is jumping all over them.
He is very excited to see them.
I just sit quiet and smell them.
I hope they don't take me.
I want to stay here.
Dad and the lady leave.
I go outside and we all go to bed

June 22, 2010

Mom is being really nice to me today.
Libby is going to work and leaving me and Bogey in our crates.
I walked arounbd the backyard for a while.
I still don't feel good.
I don't want to eat; just drink.
I go to sleep in my crate.
I don't even hear Bogey making any noise.
We both sleep on and off all day long.
I hear the garage door going up.
Bogey is barking.
I hope it's Libby; but it's Mom.
She lets us outside.
Bogey wants to play, but I just want back in the house.
Mom is talking nice to me.
I just pace back and forth.
I want her to open Libby's bedroom door and let me in there.
I don't want to play with Bogey.
He won't leave me alone.
Mom yells at him and squirts him with water.
I'm afraid of her, I think she yelling at me too.
I'm scared.
Mom opens Libby's door.
I run inside.
I feel safe in here.
Bogey is still nipping at me and making grumbling noises.
I don't like him.
I don't want to play.
I jump on the bed to get away from him.
He follows me. I sneer at him.
Now Mom is yelling at me.
She said NO, very loud.
I cower and try to hide under the pillow.
Mom takes Bogey away and shuts the door.
I'm alone but safe.
I lay quietly on the bed and wait for Libby.
I smell something, it smells so good.
I am hungry.
I hear the garage door going up.
I hear Libby's car.
Bogey is barking and sniffing under the door.
I hear Libby.
She's home.
I am so happy to see her.
My whole body is gald to see her.
I feel so safe now.
Please let me stay here.

June 21, 2010

I'm back in Libby's car today. She said I'm going to Dogma but she will come and get me later.
They put my crate in another lady's car.
Me and three other dogs go on a very long ride.
I stay very quiet.
I don't know what is happening.
All I want is to go back to Libby's room.
The car is stopping.
The lady is taking me to another vet office.
Another stranger is petting me, talking softly to me.
I feel a pinch. I can't stay awake anymore.
I'm awake now.
My belly feels numb.
The Dogma lady is putting me and the three dogs back in her car.
I hope she's taking me back to Libby.
The car is stopping but we're not at Libby's house.
Oh NO! Libby promised, she said she would keep me. Why can't I stay with her.
I'm tired, I'm thirsty. I can't stay awake.
I hear Libby's voice. She did come back for me. I am so happy.
I try to wag my tail but I feel too sick.
The lady tells Libby I was spade and chipped.
I'm in Libby's car; she's taking me home.
I feel so tired. Libby takes me in the back yard to let me out.
She puts me in her room.
I then fall fast a sleep on Libby's bed. Just me and her.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010
I hear Mom’s bedroom door open; Bogey is sniffing at Libby’s door.
Mom whispers to Bogey to come and go outside.
They go outside.
Libby gets get and opens the bedroom door.
She takes me outside too.
Bogey barks all while I’m outside.
I go back in the house and try to eat, but Bogey is nipping and jumping all over me. He’s mounting me!
Mom and Libby yell at him but he won’t listen.
I gobble up all I can then run to Libby’s room.
Libby shuts the door so Bogey won’t jump on me for now.
I hear them talking.
Mom said the Humane Society is full and they won’t take.
She called the Riverview Pit Bull and Dog Rescue and they won’t take me either.
Labby said the Dogma lady is fostering 13 dogs, so she can’t take me either. But, Dogma lady will get me spayed for free.
Libby is going to take me to see her today.
Mom hopes someone will see me on her web site and adopt me.
I want to stay with Libby.
She makes me feel safe.
I don’t like Bogey; he’s too active. I don’t want to play with him.
Libby puts the crate and me in her car.

We’re going to a Dogma the event.
It’s hot outside in this crate.
There are several dogs in crates.
People are walking by.
No one wants us.
They only want little puppies, not pit bull mixes.
I hear them talking about how sad it is that we’re neglected and abused.
The Dogma lady said the dog next to be was used as a breed dog.
She looks tired; they put a tee shirt on her to cover up her huge teats and scars.
They think that makes her look more adoptable, but it doesn’t work.
No one wants us.

Libby puts me back in her car.
I’m hot, but happy that she’s taking me home.
The heat got to me; all I want to do is sleep.

June 18, 2010

Libby’s room is so safe, I like it in here.

She takes me outside. I smell new smells. I smell Bogey.
I’m hungry.
Libby feeds me, I drink lots of water.
What’s going to happen to me today?
Mom and Bogey are up too.
I jump on Mom’s bed, wag my tail, I lick her.
Maybe if I show her I like it here, she’ll let me stay.
I behave better than Bogey.
I’m quiet, I “go” outside, I’m not a bad dog.
They said they’re going some place called work.
Libby puts Bogey in a crate.
Mom puts me in another crate.
Bogey is crying, not me I’m quiet.
She says she’ll be back and tells me it’s OK.
She leaves something called the radio on.
They leave for the place called work.
I’m tired. I go to sleep.
Bogey whimpered all day.

Mom’s home.
She takes Bogey outside then me.
It’s starting to rain, I’m scared, I pull to go back inside.
I hear a big clad of thunder and try run back into Libby’s room.
Bogey follows me, he’s scared too.
Mom is afraid I’m going to snap at him.
I don’t because I’m a good dog.
The bedroom door is shut, but Mom lets us inside.
Libby is coming now; I hear her car in the garage, I run to the door.
I am very glad to see her; she pets me. She hugs me and shoos Bogey away.
She tells us it’s OK because we’re both nervous about the storm.
She goes in her bedroom and both me and Bogey follow.
Mom comes in too.
She and Libby are talking about a place called Dogma.
Mom hopes they will take me.
Bogey is nipping at me and I just try to hide in the corner of the room.
I follow Libby into the kitchen.
I gobble down the food and drink up all the water in both bowls.
I go back to Libby’s room, she puts me on the bed.
I spend another quite night in the bedroom with Libby.
I sleep all night.

June 17,2010

It’s morning; I’m scared.

That puppy is not a puppy, he’s just a little dog, And he will not leave me alone. I try to get away from him but he too fast.
The girl and the other lady are yelling at him.
Or are they yelling at me? I’m not sure.
I’m too scared to do anything but pace, pant, and try to get back in the girl’s room.
The lady puts a lease around my neck and pulls me outside.
The boy dog is barking.
I don’t want to go outside but I know I have to go.
I relieve myself, the lady calls me a good girl!
The girl is petting me, she gives me a bowl of food. I am so hungry.
I eat that boy dog’s food and water too.
He doesn’t care; he just wants to play, jump on me, and bark.
The girl takes the leash and pulls me back into her car.
I sit quietly in the back seat.
I’m scared.
She’s taking me someplace; I hear dogs barking!
People are looking at me and touching me.
They’re calling this place shelter but they don’t want me.
They can only take in one pit bull and they already have one.
I don’t know why they called me a pit bull? I’m a good dog!
They put a collar one me and the girl puts me back in her car.
She’s crying and talking nice to me again; I sit quietly in the back seat.
Where are we going now?
The girl says we going to a place called the vet.
They’re going to help me there.
The vet calls the girl Libby; he calls me Pretty Girl.
But, he can’t keep me. He tells Libby I can stay there just for today.
He pets me, touches me all over, lifts up my tail, and pinches me.
Ouch! But, I keep very still, he’s talking nice to me too.
Why can’t he keep me here with all the other dogs.
A nice lady gives me a bath and clips my nails; she talks nice too.
The man puts me outside in a big cage. I don’t like being outside.
There’s puppies in the next cage.
I like puppies; I climb the fence so I can be with the puppies.
A lady brings me back inside. I am so tired now.
I nap and wonder why all this is happening to me.
They come to get me; the lady from last night puts me in her car.
I remember her smell; she gave me food.
I’m back at Libby’s house; Libby’s not here.
I want to go into Libby’s room, but the lady takes me and the boy dog outside.
He is so happy to see me; I’m trying to relieve myself and he is climbing all over me.
He is scaring me. The lady is yelling, “Bogey NO!”
I pull to get back inside.
The lady knows I’m scared.
She talks nice to me.
She gives me water and food.
I eat from the bowl she gave me and I eat the boy dog’s food again.
She lets me.
I think the boy dog is Bogey. The lady talks nice to me and yells, “Bogey, NO!” at the boy dog.
I wish he’d leave me alone.
The lady lets me go back into Libby room and shuts the door.
I hear Libby coming home.
She comes to see me; I wag my tail. I just want to stay in her room.
She puts a new collar on me. It feels funny.
I hear the lady telling Libby, I can’t stay here.
Why won’t she keep me? She lets Bogey stay here.
I’m scared.
We all go to bed. Me with Libby, Bogey with the lady, called Mom.

June 16, 2010

I’m scared and alone.

It’s thundering; I’m running blindly in and out of traffic in the pouring rain.
I’m panicking; trying desperately to find a place to hide.
A car stops, a girl gets out, but I run to hide in some bushes.
She talking nice to me but I’m too scared to come out.
Thunder claps, she grabs and hugs me.
She puts me in her car.
I’m scared, I cower in her back seat; she talks nice to me.
She takes me to a house; another lady comes and talks to me.
I won’t get out of the car; I’m too scared.
They cover me with a towel, put me on the garage floor, and rub me dry.
Another dog come out to sniff me, I think it’s a puppy.
I walk into the house and hide in the girl’s bedroom. All I want to do is hide.
I smell new smells, I hear new sounds; and the puppy is barking at me.
I am trying to find out where I am, I look around to see if I’m safe.
I still hear the thunder and I can’t stop shaking with fear.
I’m scared; the girls gives me water and food. I gobble it down.
I gobble down the food in the puppy’s bowl too.
Why won’t that puppy stop barking at me.
I pace around the room; oh good, the girls opened her bedroom door, I can go in there and hide. I feel safe in there. She shuts the door.
I’m so tired, but I can’t relax yet. I jump every time I hear a noise. My eyes are so heavy with sleep, I finally just give in and sleep. She lets me sleep in there all night long.