Sunday, October 31, 2010

June 23, 2010

Today started just like yesterday.
Libby took me out in the backyard.
Put food and water in my bowl.
I'm so hungry today.
It's nice to have food and water everyday.
Mom and Bogey are up too.
Mom takes him out in the yard.
I'm going back in Libby room.
It's my favorite place.
Mom goes to work.
Bogey comes in and lays down next to me.
He goes to sleep.
I hope I can stay in here all day.
Libby is talking nice to us.
She says that I'm her dog now.
But, I heard Mom tell her that they'll only foster me until I get better.
Someone named Dad wants to take me.
Dad is coming to see me tonight.
Libby doesn't want me to go anywhere.
She pets me, puts treats in our crates, we both get in.
She goes to work.
Bogey and I sleep all day.
Mom's home, I hear the garage door and her car.
She always lets Bogey out first.
I think she likes him better than me.
She doesn't want to keep me.
She is kind to me, she takes us out, and feeds me.
I lick her leg; she smiles at me. She pets me and gives me and Bogey a bacon treat.
She's asking Bogey to sit and gives him a treat as soon as he sits.
She asks me to sit. I know sit. I sit right away and get another treat too.
Maybe she'll let me stay if I show her I can sit.
Libby is coming home.
Bogey and I run to the door where she's going to come in.
She is excited to see us, we're excited to see her.
Mom tells her I know how to sit.
She tells me I'm a good dog.
I'm nervous, I start pacing back and forth.
Now that Libby's home, I can go in our bedroom.
But, they won't let me in.
I have to stay with them and Bogey.
He is still excited and happy to be out of the crate.
He won't leave me alone.
Libby puts the leashes on us.
She said we're going for a walk.
Bogey is pulling to go outside.
I guess I will too.
I still don't like being outside for long.
But. Libby keeps talking to us as we walk around.
I walk pretty good on a leash; Bogey doesn't calm down for a long time.
Libby said we good dogs.
If I do everything she asks, maybe they'll keep me.
I hope so.
We're back home now.
I'm glad.
Libby's door is open.
I jump up on the bed.
They let me stay in here.
Libby comes to sit with me.
We watch TV together; she pets me all over.
Mom comes in and calls me Olive Oyl.
She said I'm too skinny.
She said  can stay until I am not skinny.
The doorbell rings.
The man named Dad is here.
He scares me but I like the lady he's with.
I like her but I'm not sure about him.
I smell dogs on them.
Bogey is jumping all over them.
He is very excited to see them.
I just sit quiet and smell them.
I hope they don't take me.
I want to stay here.
Dad and the lady leave.
I go outside and we all go to bed

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